The Abstract Submission Deadline is Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 11:59 pm EST.

First name
Last name
Supervisor Last name

First name

(Supervisor must hold a primary appointment in the Department of Medicine. If not, explain below)
Supervisor's Email
Supervisor's primary hospital/laboratory location in 2025
If your supervisor does not hold an appointment in the Department of Medicine, please provide us with additional information

Resident (medical or non medical) PGY-1    PGY-2    PGY-3    PGY-4    PGY-5    PGY-6    PGY-7
MD Student MSc Student PhD Student Undergraduate
Post-Doctoral Fellow Clinical Fellow Faculty
Specific Subspecialty of Medicine
Case Report/Series
Medical Education
Pharmacology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology

Resident Research Specialty Awards (in addition to the regular Research Day awards)

Please select the Research Specialty Award that applies to your abstract submission (if appropriate). Please refer to the Terms of Reference for the Research Specialty Awards. Eligibility will be confirmed by the division or QI team.
I am eligible for the following Research Specialty Award(s) (please indicate all that apply) Geriatric Medicine
General Internal Medicine
Quality Improvement

Have you presented this abstract at another meeting/conference? yes no
If yes
Where (city/country)
Event (name of event)
When (yyyy-mm-dd)

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
Title of CPD activity
Date of CPD activity
What is your role in the CPD activity? Member of the scientific planning committee
Moderator Speaker Author Facilitator
I do not have a relationship with a for-profit and/or a not-for-profit organization to disclose
I have a relationship with a for-profit and/or a not-for-profit organization to disclose
Please indicate the organization(s) with which you have/had a relationship over the previous two years and briefly describe the nature of that relationship.
Nature of relationship(s) Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s) Description of relationship(s)
Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria
Membership on advisory boards or speakers' bureaus
Funded grants or clinical trials
Patents on a drug, product or device
All other investments or relationships that could be seen by a reasonable, well-informed participant as having the potential to influence the content of the educational activity
To be completed by speakers and authors only
I intend to make therapeutic recommendations for medications that have not received regulatory approval (i.e. "off-label" use of medication).
Note: You must declare all off-label use to the audience during your presentation.
I acknowledge that the National Standard requires that any description of therapeutic options utilize generic names (or both generic and trade names) and not reflect exclusivity and branding. Yes
I Agree By clicking "I agree" you are acknowledging that the above information is accurate and that you understand that this information will be publicly available.
Name: Date:

First author
Abstract (Maximum 250 words) Word count:
Note that all submitted abstracts will automatically be considered for DOM Resident Research Day awards in the appropriate categories. Please click here to see the list of award categories.