Enabling Patient Oriented Clinical Research

  • Registration and scheduling support for all investigators
  • Nursing support for IV line placement, drug administration, study subject monitoring
  • Extended stay unit capable of study subject video monitoring and telemetry
  • Overnight and weekend studies may be feasible
  • Phlebotomy service in Ambulatory and Extended Stay Unit
  • Sample processing and aliquots
  • Central Lab Shipment services
  • Total of 13 beds with adjoining technique room
  • 3 single one bed rooms with adjoining technique rooms available
  • Swing workstation area for investigators to use in the CCIT on study days
  • Study subject lockers for extended stay
  • Pharmacy storage upon request
  • Specimen storage upon request
  • Ambulatory examination rooms (3)
  • 12 Lead ECG, stored in MUSE
  • 12 Lead ECG interpreted by Arrhythmia Physicians, then stored in MUSE
  • Telemetry monitoring
  • Crash cart on site and maintained by LHSC
  • LHSC Code Blue Team support
  • What is the cost for space and services?
    Detailed cost for services or space request can be obtained by emailing CCIT@LHSC.ON.CA or calling (519)685-8500 Ext 34466
  • I only need help with phlebotomy. Can I still use the CCIT?
    Yes. We can provide phlebotomy services at a very competitive price. You will need to ensure your protocol has been approved by CCIT.
  • Can my research coordinator use available space in the CCIT?
    You or your designate can only use the CCIT workstation area on the days when you have your study participant(s) in the CCIT.
  • Why is there a difference in study cost for investigator initiated vs industry sponsored?
    CCIT's goal is to enable investigator initiated research while also retaining the ability to support industry sponsored trials. Cost for investigator initiated studies will be reduced as much as feasible, while full cost will be charged for industry sponsored trials.