Clarivate Researcher Profile
Clarivate has recently launched Researcher Profiles, an individualized dashboard to manage and showcase publications, peer-reviews, and citation metrics. Individuals who previously had a Publons account will automatically have a Researcher Profile with all of their saved information from Publons.
Individuals new to the Web of Science can claim a Researcher Profile by searching for their name within the Research tab, selecting the appropriate record, then clicking the "claim my record button".
For more information on creating or managing your Researcher Profile please visit the Web of Science Guide to creating a researcher profile.
Benefits of a Researcher Profile
- Better discoverability
- Personalized publication metrics
- H-Index
- Publications in Web of Science
- Sum of Times Cited
- Author Impact Beamplot
- Ability to sync with ORCID profile
Citation Metrics Reports in Web of Science
To view your citation metrics, login to WOS with your username and password, click the Researcher Profile tab on the left menu. On the right-hand side of the page click the Open dashboard button. Your Metric Dashboard includes publication count, sum of times cited and h-index. A bar graph of times cited and publications over time, author impact beamplot, and geographic citation map are also provided.
What is the h-index?
H = N (number of papers) in a publication list that have N or more citations. For example, if H=5 than 5 or more papers in the publication list have 5 or more citations each. The h-index developed by J.E. Hirsch is useful because it discounts disproportionately weighted papers.
Sample Metrics