Program of Experimental Medicine - POEM
Department of Medicine

Program of Experimental Medicine

Congratulations to the following 2023-2024 AMOSO Innovation Fund successful DOM applicants!

Dr. Jaspreet Bhangu (Geriatric Medicine)
"Longitudinal association of cerebral blood flow and cognitive decline"
Total One-Time Funding $155,000 Over 2 Years

Drs. Lakshman Gunaratnam and Abudaker Sidahmed (Nephrology)
"Unveiling a Novel Contributor to Adverse Kidney Transplantation Outcomes"
Total One-Time Funding $216,100 Over 2 Years

Dr. Richard Kim (Clinical Pharmacology)
"Pharmacogenomics-based Precision Medicine for Preventing Severe Toxicity to 5-Fluorouracil based Chemotherapy: Beyond Simple Genotype Testing"
Total One-Time Funding $191,661 Over 2 Years

Drs. Alex Leligdowicz and John Basmaji (Critical Care Medicine)
"Venous Excess Ultrasound (VEXUS)-Guided Fluid Management versus Usual Care in Patients with Septic Shock: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”
Total One-Time Funding $89,491 Over 2 Years.

Dr. Louise Moist (Nephrology)
"Measures of Recipient Obesity predict Kidney transplant Outcomes (MOROKO) London”
Total One-Time Funding $208,834 Over 2 Years

Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso (Geriatric Medicine)
"Dementia Prediction Models with Motor Markers in Mild Cognitive Impairment”
Total One-Time Funding $110,000 Over 1 Year

Dr. Luiz Ybarra (Cardiology)
"Pre-Intervention Rehabilitation to Optimize Patient Selection for Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PREHAB-CTO Study)” Total One-Time Funding $200,352 Over 2 Years.